Middle School
The middle school is designed for students in grades 6-8 whose ages are typically eleven to fourteen, and provides a three-year program, which encompasses traditional academic courses and projects. Students follow a regular schedule of classes in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and History & Social Science. Supplementary courses include Physical Education, Art, Health/Human Sexuality, Current Events, ASL, Deaf Studies, Educational Technology, Technology/Engineering, Social Justice, Career Readiness, and Peer Mentoring. Students may also take classes at Cameron Middle School, a public school in Framingham, with ASL interpreters provided by TLC.
The middle school years involve a period of rapid personal growth and change, as well as extensive academic progress. Our goal is to graduate middle school students who have strengthened their self-esteem, developed their personal levels of maturity, and gained academic skills, all of which will prepare them for their high school years and their lives as independent adults.
Along with the formal curriculum, which encompasses the requirements of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, middle school students have opportunities to participate throughout the year in special activities and events such as classroom projects and field trips. Students can participate in educational events and competitions, such as Battle of the Books and Math Competition. The middle school has student organizations and clubs such as Student Body Government and a Gender and Sexuality Alliance. Students may participate in team sports such as volleyball, basketball, soccer and track & field and compete against local private schools and schools for the deaf. These experiences enhance students’ skill development, encouraging them to take their learning out of the classroom and into a variety of arenas.
High School
The TLC high school offers a varied set of academic and vocational options that ensure all students have the right to maximize their true potential. The high school provides a comprehensive Secondary academic curriculum that aligns itself with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. In addition to the English, literature, math, social studies, and science requirements, students have a variety of additional course offerings. Some of these may include art, MCAS preparation, health education/human sexuality, computers, yearbook, Senior Seminar, and Career Technology Education (CTE). The high school offers Advanced Placement (AP) classes both in person at TLC and through VHS Learning online taught by certified teachers. The high school also offers dual-credit classes through RIT/NTID. Students may also take courses at Framingham High School with certified ASL interpreters provided by TLC.
Community interaction is essential for students to better understand the world that surrounds them. The high school brings in visitors and takes field trips. Students have the opportunity to participate in local and state educational events and competitions, such as Academic Bowl. Students have opportunities to participate in student organizations or clubs such as Student Body Government and Junior National Association of the Deaf. Students may participate in intramural or interscholastic team sports such as volleyball, basketball, soccer and track & field with local private schools as well as schools for the deaf.
The emphasis on community interaction along with the offering of strong academic and vocational programming enables our students to be successful lifelong learners and contributing members of both the hearing and Deaf communities. The Secondary department works with the residential department to coordinate communication for residential students' needs.
The high school works closely with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), Department of Developmental Services and the student’s sending districts to ensure students transition effectively to their post-high school endeavors. The high school department strives to provide the best opportunities for students while they are in school, as well as to prepare for when they transition to life after high school. All upperclass students are encouraged to partner with the transition office to apply for unpaid internships both during and after school hours. Students have the opportunity to develop work skills both on and off campus with the support of our job coaches.

Spotlight On: Career and Technical Education (CTE)
CTE Teacher Angela Pettigrew sits down with Access Framingham to share how we can ensure accessibility expands across the field of broadcasting, and how our students can receive a firsthand experience into the world of television and programming.
Functional Academics
Functional Academics (FA) is a specialized middle school or high school classroom based on individualized instruction and embedded academics. Functional Academics is designed to provide deaf and hard of hearing students with additional disabilities a bilingual education through functional academics, social/behavioral skills, communication skills, vocational skills, and life skills in order to lead productive and happy lives.
Using the Common Core and Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks as guides, an adapted curriculum is taught through entry points. Authentic opportunities, the application of skills, and the generalization of skills are a focus in this classroom. Functional academic skills are incorporated into all activities, while communication, self-help, social, leisure, personal safety, and life skills are taught throughout the school day. Functional Academics students are included in high school field trips and workshops, lunch, specials, internships and Social Emotional Learning blocks.